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Neuven Consult


Date Created: 22nd August 2024

Author: Neuven Consult

Auditing and the Evidence-Based Approach

With the uptake of remote auditing as the standard delivery approach within the Temporary Worker Healthcare Market, agencies are ensuring they provide further evidence per document to satisfy the necessary audit criteria. This approach delivers a more robust and detailed audit service that Neuven Consult clients can rely on.

Historically, when paper and physical files were the norm, documents were often taken at face value without the requirement for any further assurances being provided. Yet as we venture further into a digital focus and approach, the onus is on agencies to provide the full details and traceability of any document being presented to an auditor.

The Realities of a Paper Audit

Paper audits were typically conducted on location, usually at the office of the agency being audited. Auditors would physically leaf through, cross reference and review masses of printed documents - which may not always be presented in an orderly fashion. If a query was raised or further information was required, this would necessitate further printed documentation to satisfy the audit criteria.

The sheer amount of time taken by the auditor to complete the process, and the level of activity and print resources required by the compliance department was, needless to say, a considerable and often stressful undertaking.

The Advent of Remote Auditing

National lockdowns during the Covid-19 pandemic were among the key triggers for the shift to remote auditing services. The benefits were met with almost immediate approval by auditors, who would no longer require nationwide travel to agency offices.

Audits could still be conducted to a high standard, while auditors now had the added advantage of being able to check the details of documents uploaded for audit in much greater detail, using digital tools and little to no print documentation.

The Necessary Adjustment Period

In early 2022, audits were officially shifted to a remote checking process. This wasn’t an easy adjustment initially as numerous considerations needed to be taken into account, such as:

  • Where were files to be uploaded or emailed to?

  • Which platform could support the process?

  • What security measures were needed to protect data?

  • What was the impact on GDPR?

  • How soon could the process be up and running?

Once these challenges were overcome, the auditing process as it once was, would soon change completely.

In its infancy, remote auditing still followed a process similar to a paper audit – albeit remotely - with agencies scanning and uploading individually printed paperwork into single PDFs for the auditor to review. However, the process very quickly evolved. No longer are all documents required to be printed and scanned, no longer are single PDF uploads necessary - instead, documents can now be presented digitally in their originally received or completed format. This is the evidence-based approach.

The Advantages of the Evidence-Based Approach

The new evidence-based approach to remote auditing poses a multitude of advantages for auditors over single PDF scanned document uploads. For example:

  • Shorter time taken to review documents

  • Emails are the originals and can’t have been edited – assuring a factual representation of what was received or sent

  • Any questionable documents can be forwarded directly to regulatory or training bodies for further confirmation of authenticity

  • Documents can be cross-referenced side-by-side on multiple screens

  • E-signed / completed documents must be accompanied by auditable trails to identify how they were created or generated

  • Edited documents are easier to spot

  • Internet headers of emails can be reviewed

  • Document properties can be checked

For agencies, the evidence-based approach also provides a wealth of advantages:

  • No more mass printing/scanning, reducing the cost of time and resources

  • Documents can be saved appropriately when received and simply dragged into their relevant folders for auditing purposes

  • Internal audits can mimic external audit standards for consistency and stress testing

  • Temporary worker files can be ‘built’ quicker and checked almost immediately

  • Teams don’t necessarily have to work from an office or require access to a printer/scanner when preparing for an audit

A New Era of Auditing

The evidence-based approach has undeniably driven up audit standards within the market, as well as ensuring that agencies maintain and raise their own standards to satisfy audit criteria. The approach also allows for quicker reviews and escalations where necessary, helping to identify and eliminate bad practice or data manipulation. Clients can be assured of how their agencies are operating in their market.

Audit services have experienced exponential evolution in just a few years. As technology continues to advance, Neuven Consult is dedicated to ensuring we keep up with these changes and explore innovative solutions to future challenges or problems with audit delivery within the market.

The key is to embrace change, embrace technology and work towards a unified goal of ensuring that agencies are providing a compliant temporary workforce

If you have any questions or want to learn more about our auditing services, feel free to get in touch with one of the team who will support you >